Urxvt settings – reload without restarting terminal

colorscommand lineterminalurxvt

I have two urxvt color themes that I use, one for light background and one for dark, depending on how sunny the environment is.

It's easy enough to switch them by modifying ~/.Xresources and running xrdb ~/.Xresources again, but this doesn't affect terminals which are already running.

I use tmux so I can detach, restart the terminal, and reattach, but this gets very annoying very quickly when there are 8 of them already laid-out how I want on various work spaces.

The solution, it seems, is for urxvt to reload its settings somehow but I can't find any information on how to do this or if it's even possible. Does anyone know how?

Note: I don't run any of the major DE's and I'm not about to install all of kde or gnome libs just for a terminal.

Edit: man 7 urxvt shows some wizardly looking codes to do… well… something. I don't see how it applies to changing entire color sets. Any tips?

Best Answer

By chance, I happened to find the config wiki for mintty. It has a lot of great suggestions, one of which is how to set various options using escape sequences meant for xterm. So this works by not reading the config again but instead by interpreting escape sequences to override the existing color selections.

We can use this from URxvt by binding a key to a long chain of commands, each of which changes one of the 16 default colors.

For example, here I set alt+ctrl+l to change every color to C0C0C0:

# This stupidly changes every color to grey.
URxvt.keysym.M-C-l: command:\033]11;#C0C0C0\007\033]10;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;0;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;1;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;2;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;3;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;4;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;5;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;6;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;7;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;8;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;9;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;10;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;11;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;12;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;13;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;14;#C0C0C0\007\033]4;15;#C0C0C0\007

Perl Plugin

I have it "working" but not really, because it seems that there is a fundamental difference between resources defined as

URxvt.keysym.M-1: command:\033].......

and any attempt to do the same with $term->cmd_parse().

Is there anything that can be done about this? So far I have hardcoded entire light and dark color sets using (very long) escape sequences:

URxvt.keysym.M-C-l: command:\033]4;12;#72729F9FCFCF\007\033]4;1;#CCCC00000000\007\033]4;15;#EEEEEEEEECEC\007\033]4;14;#3434E2E2E2E2\007\033]4;5;#757550507B7B\007\033]4;3;#C4C4A0A00000\007\033]4;7;#D3D3D7D7CFCF\007\033]4;4;#34346565A4A4\007\033]4;10;#8A8AE2E23434\007\033]4;13;#ADAD7F7FA8A8\007\033]4;8;#555557575353\007\033]11;#FFFFFFFFFFFF\007\033]4;9;#EFEF29292929\007\033]4;2;#4E4E9A9A0606\007\033]4;0;#2E2E34343636\007\033]4;11;#FCFCE9E94F4F\007\033]10;#000000000000\007\033]4;6;#060698209A9A\007
URxvt.keysym.M-C-d: command:\033]4;12;#9090FF\007\033]4;1;#AA0000\007\033]4;15;#FFFFFF\007\033]4;14;#55FFFF\007\033]4;5;#AA00AA\007\033]4;3;#AA5500\007\033]4;7;#AAAAAA\007\033]4;10;#55FF55\007\033]4;13;#FF55FF\007\033]4;4;#0000AD\007\033]4;8;#555555\007\033]11;#000000\007\033]4;9;#FF5555\007\033]4;2;#00AA00\007\033]\007\033]4;0;#000000\007\033]4;11;#FFFF55\007\033]10;#00FF00\007\033]5;0;#00FF00\007\033]4;6;#00AAAA\007

This works exactly how I'd hoped it would and can be toggled at runtime so I'm marking this as answered, but why can't this be done dynamically from Perl? Here is what I have so far, I'm not a great Perl coder so please excuse the undoubtedly bad style.

Hopefully someone can chime in on what the issue is. This will be a nice plugin. Upstream is at github.

#! /usr/bin/env perl -w
# Author:  John Tyree
# Website: http://github.com/johntyree/urxvt-perls/blob/master/rotate-colors
# License: CCBYNC

# Use keyboard shortcuts to load colors of the form *.colorN:XXXXXX from a file
# This gives us "on demand" theme switching.

# Usage: put the following lines in your .Xdefaults/.Xresources:
#   URxvt.perl-ext-common: ...,rotate-colors
#   URxvt.colorFiles: ~/.Xresources,~/light.txt,~/dark.txt
#   URxvt.keysym.M-C-n:   perl:rotate-colors:forward
#   URxvt.keysym.M-C-p:   perl:rotate-colors:backward

use strict;

sub on_start {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->{current_index} = -1;
    my @arr = split(/,/, $self->x_resource('colorFiles') || '');
    $self->{color_files} = \@arr;

sub read_colors {
    my $fn = shift;
    open my $fin, $fn or print STDERR "Unable to open $fn for reading";
    my %colors;

    while (my $line = <$fin>) {
        if ($line =~ /(\w+)\s*:\s*(#[0-9a-fA-F]+)/) {
            $colors{$1} = $2;
    return %colors

sub escape_seq {
    my ($k, $v) = @_;
    my $cmd = "";
    if ($k =~ /^color(\d+)$/) {
        $cmd = "4;$1;$v";
    } elsif ($k =~ /^colorBD$/) {
        $cmd = "5;0;$v";
    } elsif ($k =~ /^colorUL$/) {
        $cmd = "5;1;$v";
    } elsif ($k =~ /^colorBL$/) {
        $cmd = "5;2;$v";
    } elsif ($k =~ /^colorRV$/) {
        $cmd = "5;3;$v";
    } elsif ($k =~ /^foreground$/) {
        $cmd = "10;$v";
    } elsif ($k =~ /^background$/) {
        $cmd = "11;$v";
    } elsif ($k =~ /^cursorColor$/) {
        $cmd = "12;$v";
    } elsif ($k =~ /^pointerColor$/) {
        $cmd = "13;$v";
    return "\033]".$cmd."\007"

sub build_cmd {
    my $fn = shift;
    my %colors = read_colors($fn);
    my $s =  join("", map {escape_seq($_, $colors{$_})} keys %colors);
    return $s   # was implicit anyway

sub on_user_command {
    my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
    my @fs = @{$self->{color_files}};
    my $len = @fs;

    if ($cmd eq "rotate-colors:forward") {
        my $idx = $self->{current_index}++;
        my $fn = $fs[$idx % scalar(@fs)];
    } elsif ($cmd eq "rotate-colors:backward") {
        my $idx = $self->{current_index}--;
        my $fn = $fs[$idx % scalar(@fs)];
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