Updating Airport Express Firmware


I may be missing something painfully obvious, but how do I upgrade the firmware on an Airport Express? When I visit the firmware page, I don't see a download link, but when I follow the attached instructions, the only firmware options I see in the Airport Utility are ones that I have downloaded locally. How do I go about upgrading this (either in Windows or Mac, I've got both).

Best Answer

Typically I use the AirPort Utility program to upgrade the firmware on all of my airport devices.

Here's some FAQs from Apple on the subject. To quote:

How do I obtain and install a Wi-Fi base station firmware update?

  • Open AirPort Utility (If there are no other important issues displayed, the base station in need of an update will be selected and the version information will be displayed).
  • Click Update Firmware.
  • Follow the prompts.

Important: If you are updating a Time Capsule, disconnect any clients that may be using the Time Capsule's disk before installing the firmware.

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