Unable to remove PHP packages from CentOS, but also unable to update PHP package to PHP 5.3


I have an interesting, albeit infuriating problem with CentOS.

I'm trying to configure this server to run a Symfony2 website I've built. The website doesn't work, and I've pinned down the problem to some of the PHP packages on the server being 5.1, and some of the newer packages are PHP 5.3. (Symfony2 requires PHP 5.3 to run).

I use the following command:

yum install php53u.x86_64

And I get this error:

Error: php53-common conflicts with php-common

Although it does say it's installed.

Anyway, I go to use yum info php and it tells me that the PHP version installed on the server is still 5.1.6. I go to use yum remove php, thinking if I remove all traces of the old PHP install I can install 5.3 afresh, I get the following error:

No match for argument PHP.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Managed to fix the issue.

Using rpm -qa | grep php as suggested by reflexiv would only bring back:


As the only installed package. I removed this package, and then installed PHP with the following command:

yum install php53 php53-cli php53-common php53-gd php53-imap php53-intl php53-mbstring php53-mysql php53-odbc php53-pdo php53-pspell php53-snmp php53-xml php53-xmlrpc php-devel

Installing this didn't bring up any errors. I restarted Apache and tested the server with the Symfony2 installation and phpinfo();. Both of them worked and the server is now ready to fly!

Thanks to reflexiv for the help.

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