Unable to reach self domain name from inside LAN network


It seems that this question is very similar to I suddenly can’t access my own web server within my LAN via the external WAN IP address but nothing there helped me so I'm trying again.

I have a router with WAN address and local network I have a web server running on

In router settings, I have changed the port of management panel from 80 to 81 not to interefere with the webserver. Then I have added a port forwarding rule for TCP 80 -> Finally, I have assigned a domain name example.com to so accessing example.com correctly routes to my web server. From the world.

However, when I try to enter the example.com from any of the devices connected to the, it does not work.

I tried to diagnose it with ping, and the domain correctly resolves to the IP address so it seems like not a DNS problem:

root@linux:~# ping example.com
PING example.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=63

Also, traceroute stops at the router:

root@linux:~# traceroute example.com
traceroute to example.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 0.350 ms 0.256 ms 0.195 ms
2 * * *
3 * * *
4 * * *

I have found neither NAT Loopback nor NAT reflection settings in my router as suggested in the question linked above. I have not configured anything in the static routing and I can't remember anything I could done that would cause such behavior.

My router is DrayTek Vigor2925.

Best Answer

Your router probably doesn’t support NAT Loopback (A.K.A NAT Hairpinning). Upgrade to an aftermarket firmware distro (such as LEDE), or replace your router with something that has factory firmware that supports NAT Loopback (such as an Apple AirPort Base Station).

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