Windows – unable to install windows 7 in the laptop with no os

installationoperating systemswindows 7windows-vista

I have a the following message when i try to install windows 7 through an bootable USB..

setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an
existing system partition

I will explain the things I did to my lenovo y500 laptop.The laptop was initially working with 2 os .. ubuntu linux and windows vista which came with the laptop..

What I tried to do is to install the windows 7 through USB and when it asksed for the option which drive to install, It showed me all the drives available including the C: and the vista reserved drive..
Since I wanted a fresh install, I deleted all the partitions and tried to install the new windows 7 but got the above said message. currently I have no os and cannot install anything too..

Now I dont know what to do.. I googled for the issue but none of the answers helped me..I tried to do the diskpart using command prompt and it did not help..

can someone guide me in this ?


Best Answer

I think you didn't partitioning correctly. My suggest is partition you hard with Gparted on Ubuntu live and after that install your Windows .

you can download Ubuntu from here: Ubuntu Download

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