Unable to copy/mirror website-page by using WinHTTrack


I am using Httrack for copying/mirroring a website and facing one problem.

I am talking about this website. Consider I want to cover this page with all inside links (you can see like: problem 6.11 , problem 6.10 from that page). So, I've tried following:

  1. Enter project name and URL:


  1. Set option can go up and down both

enter image description here

And I started to mirror, the process finished but when I browse index.html, the main page displays correctly but further links (sab page as mentioned earlier problem 6.11, 6.10 etc) does not display – only the file name feed is shown.(try yourself to see what is going wrong)

How do I fix this issue?

Best Answer

I suggest you to read the FAQ

Here is a quote from WinHTTrack website:

Question: Some sites are captured very well, other aren't. Why?

Answer: There are several reasons (and solutions) for a mirror to fail. Reading the log files (ans this FAQ!) is generally a VERY good idea to figure out what occured.

Links within the site refers to external links, or links located in another (or upper) directories, not captured by default - the use of filters is generally THE solution, as this is one of the powerful option in HTTrack. See the above questions/answers. Website 'robots.txt' rules forbide access to several website parts - you can disable them, but only with great care! HTTrack is filtered (by its default User-agent IDentity) - you can change the Browser User-Agent identity to an anonymous one (MSIE, Netscape..) - here again, use this option with care, as this measure might have been put to avoid some bandwidth abuse (see also the abuse faq!)

There are cases, however, that can not be (yet) handled:

Flash sites - no full support

Intensive Java/Javascript sites - might be bogus/incomplete

Complex CGI with built-in redirect, and other tricks - very complicated to handle, and therefore might cause problems

Parsing problem in the HTML code (cases where the engine is fooled, for example by a false comment (

comment (-->) detected. Rare cases, but might occur. A bug report is then generally good!

Note: For some sites, setting "Force old HTTP/1.0 requests" option can be useful, as this option uses more basic requests (no HEAD request for example). This will cause a performance loss, but will increase the compatibility with some cgi-based sites.

PD. There are many reasons to website cant be captured 100% i think in SuperUser we are very enthusiast but we wont to make reverse enginerring to a website to discovery which system is running from behind(It's my oppinion).

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