macOS – How to Fix Internet Browsing Issues on Mac OS X


I can't reach websites using browsers in OS X 10.6.7 on a MacBook Pro, possibly after resuming from sleep. I've had this problem before and it has been solved by a reboot, but I since I got it again I wanted to get to the root of it.

It all starts with Chrome and Safari not being able to browse the Internet. Here's a list of what works and what doesn't:

Doesn't work

  • Browse Internet in Safari, Chrome and Firefox ("You are not connected to the Internet.")
  • Adium


  • ping
  • wget
  • curl
  • traceroute
  • nslookup
  • Browse Internet in any browser with the Charles proxy started
  • Browse (Google IP) in any browser
  • Skype

I haven't configured any proxy at all (except for when running with Charles). Other computers on the network can reach Internet just fine. I'm connected to either Ethernet, the AirPort, or both but no combination makes a difference.

I've also tried to use a different DNS provider, Google Public DNS, but that didn't work either (nslookup, ping etc used the new name server without problems).

Visiting the IP number of in the browser works as stated above, and considering ping et al works, it seems to be a DNS issue? What could be causing this?

Best Answer

Problem temporarily solved by running:

sudo killall mDNSResponder

As per this question: MacBook can't use internet, but nslookup and ping both work.

Still doesn't explain why this breaks down on sleep/resume though.

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