Networking Issues – Unable to Access Outside Service from Inside LAN


I have a weird port forwarding problem. I tried to open my port 22 to the outside network. I was able to access it as long as I am not inside the LAN. I can access it from my office for example. But from within the LAN, I can access the port using the local ip, but I can't access the port using the external IP. It's as if the router is blocking the loopback. I've check all my router settings, turned off anything firewall/filtering related. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Assuming Spiff is correct, and your router can't handle port forwarding to the external ip from within the network there is a small work around (and it does sound like this is the case);

You can edit the hosts file, which can be found at /etc/hosts in most unix-systems and in C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ on Windows.

if you add

in that file, your computer will go to the ip spesified whenever you try to access You will of course have to do this on every computer that you wish to use within the network.

You can check the wikipedia article for more details on where to find it:

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