UEFI Boot – How to Boot an NTFS Drive with UEFI

bootntfsuefiwindows 8

I'm trying to install Windows 8 through a bootable USB flash drive, in UEFI Mode. However, while it does work when the drive is formatted as FAT for some versions of Windows 8, the version I want to install has a install.wim file bigger than 4Gb, so I have to use an NTFS file system on the flash drive, but I cannot boot in UEFI mode from it. In both cases I use a GPT partition table. Is booting from NTFS not possible in UEFI mode (strange, as is the file system used by Windows) or am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

From the Wikipedia article on UEFI:

The UEFI specification explicitly requires support for FAT32 for system partitions, and FAT12/FAT16 for removable media; specific implementations may support other file systems.

Personally I've yet to encounter any motherboard manufacturer who has implemented NTFS boot support in their UEFI modules.

Update: As mentioned in the comments below, two years after I posted the above there are now at least a few motherboards available with UEFI NTFS modules.

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