Ubuntu – Windows Spanned Disk (LDM) automount


Every time i startup the server with 2x2tb raid harddrive i need to call the following methods to mount:

ldmtool create all
mount /dev/mapper/ldm_vol_SPONS_SERVER-Dg0_Volume1 /media/data

Which is for sure not the ideal way. So for that reason i have been searching to automount and found following:

Add "[ -x /usr/bin/ldmtool ] && ldmtool create all >/dev/null || true" to the /etc/init/mountall.conf
Add an entry in the /etc/fstab file.

Now i tried many, many things. Tried with a bunch of UUID's in the fstab file.. but it always states: "The disk drive for /media/data is not ready yet or not present"

So i guess that Step 1 (the line added to mountall.conf) is wrong.. But as i'm not an expert in ubuntu and programming in it. I need some help to fix this one.

Thanks in advance!


Currently i'm trying with the following line in the fstab file:

"/dev/mapper/ldm_vol_SPONS_SERVER-Dg0_Volume1 /media/data ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0"

I also tried with some UUID's but it seems like the ldmtool needs to create the mapper, with an UUID won't be possible.

Best Answer

Why not just add the known-good lines

ldmtool create all
mount /dev/mapper/ldm_vol_SPONS_SERVER-Dg0_Volume1 /media/data

to /etc/rc.local and be done with it? I am quite positive, you don't need those disks during the boot process!

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