Ubuntu – Text Formatting toolbar continuously disappears in Impress (open office)


This is a very weird and annoying problem. Not sure if it's a bug or a "feature"

I'm using OpenOffice 3.2 (within Ubuntu 10.04).

The Text Formatting toolbars disappear in many circumstances, e.g. each time I click out of a writing area. It's becoming very time consuming to go to View->Toolbars->TextFormatting to re-enable it each time.

3 questions:

  1. is this expected behavior, and if so, is there any setting where I can change it? (note this wasn't happening in the past with other presentation I made)?
  2. is there a workaround, such as defining a shortcut like CTRL-whatever that would make the toolbar appearing without menu joggling?
  3. is anybody experiencing this too, especially someone using LibreOffice?

Best Answer

This happens in Windows LibreOffice too. And while you can make the toolbar re-appear using View/Toolbars/TextFormatting, it is often inoperable (greyed). It appears to be related to exactly what has been selected. As an example, selecting a text box, and then adding another to the selection vanishes the toolbar because in effect the text is no longer selected. However, if you right click the selection box and select 'character..' all the text may be formatted, even though this cannot be done with the toolbar...

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