Ubuntu – Setting up ssh server on Ubuntu dektop


I'm setting up a ssh server on 10.10(soon to be 11.04) desktop. I'm sure this goes without saying but, I want it to be as simple and secure as possible. I only plan to connect from one other Ubuntu machine. I have a few starter questions –

ssh-keygen -t dsa will create a key.

  • I then simply attach(cat) that key to the end of the authorized_keys2 file on the remote computer?
  • That is secure?
  • What is the difference between the public and private key?
    • How do I get the sshd daemon to start at startup? I'd like to run this headless without X starting.
    • How can I easily start and stop an X session?

references – https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverg…sh-server.html
and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SS…dvancedOpenSSH

Best Answer

I think you're making the SSH component harder than it needs to be.

On the remote machine (ssh server) you do:

# apt-get install ssh

This installs ssh, sets it to start on bootup, and starts it up right then

Then you do, on the client machine:

$ ssh-keygen

Answer, the questions when prompted. Then do

$ ssh-copy-id <user>@<ssh server>

Where <username> is the user you want to authenticate as with your key, and <ssh server> is the ip address/host/dns of the SSH server you want to add your key too. Then test it!

$ ssh <user>@<ssh server>

Now that you're in you want to get root perms...

$ sudo su

And, now that you've got root perms, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Assuming you know basic vim of courseā€¦ Now, change the line that reads

PasswordAuthentication yes


PasswordAuthentication no

That's it for setting up SSH on an Ubuntu machine. Now only you can get into it with your key.