Ubuntu Server editing file from command line

permissionssshUbuntuvimvirtual machine

First attempts at a linux distro. Trying to run JeOS as a virtual machine on my mac with vmware fusion. Installed ubuntu server 9.04 minimal virtual machine. Installed ssh. Installed VMwareTools.

Now I am trying to change permissions to a shared folder from my mac. I type in this command "sudo vi /etc/fstab" into terminal while ssh into my virtual machine. How do I edit whatever sort of text file it brings up from the command line. My up and down arrows just end up putting random letters in and I can't input where I want.

Basically trying to follow this guide: http://intranation.com/entries/2009/03/development-virtual-machines-os-x-using-vmware-and/

And I am at the very last steps where it tries to get read write permissions to the shared Projects folder.


Best Answer


  • k to move the cursor up
  • j to move the cursor down
  • h to move the cursor left
  • l to move the cursor right
  • i to insert text
  • Esc to be able to navigate and use other commands
  • :w to save
  • :q to quit
  • ZZ or :wq to save and quit.
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