Ubuntu – Multiple users on one computer with different monitors on Ubuntu/Linux

integrated-graphicsmultiple usersmultiple-monitorsUbuntuxorg

I got a GTX 670, which powers my three monitors. But I got a processor with a HD4000 integrated graphics and I'd like to add a fourth monitor to the processor graphics, on which a different user works parallel to me. And it's very important that both users have the full hardware acceleration available (The GTX 670 for me and the HD4000 for the other user). I know that sounds very complicated, but I hope it's possible.

Best Answer

It's not that easy but possible if you use linux.

In Linux you can set up multiple X servers to run concurrent. (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX)

I really don't know if hardware acceleration is possible for multiple X servers. It depends on your graphics card drivers.

You can also try to set separate graphic card drivers for each X server in the config file. This should work as you have an Intel and a NVIDIA gfx card.