Ubuntu – Monodevelop cannot connect to debugger


I am using Ubuntu 13.10 (with Gnome 3.10.1) and MonoDevelop

Before switching to GDM and Gnome 3 MonoDevelop worked just fine, but after switching I get this popup: "Could not connect to debugger" (as the picture shows, first the "Waiting.." popup pops up, then the could not connect (all this happens instantly)).

I am aware you can use the internal console (Project -> Options -> General) but it does not do it for me. I want the Gnome-terminal as I'm used to.

Does anyone know a fix to this? (Yes, I've tried reinstalling (including apt-get purge and removing the settings in ~/home)

enter image description here

Best Answer

this little trick , works on my debian 8 (Cinnamon)

  1. Go to Solution Options via Project > ProjectName Options
  2. Under Run > General Section disable the Run on external Console for both Debug and Release Configuration

now it should work for you.

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