Ubuntu – Installing Ubuntu on a microSD card


I have a 128GB SSD with Windows 10 installed on it and most of the disk space on that SSD I'm already using (for programs and stuff). The thing is, I also need a Linux environment because I'm a student and at classes and exams we use Linux.

Dual-booting is not an option because of the limited SSD space, so I had an idea of installing it on a 128GB microSD card. I've googled this and found that it is indeed possible but my question is: how smart is it? If I were to install Ubuntu on an SD-card, how fast would it run? Keep in mind that I'm not planning on using it for anything graphically demanding – it's mostly just coding and internet. By the way, my laptop has a microSD slot so I'm not using a USB converter (which, according to some articles online, can slow stuff down).

PS: I don't want Virtual Machines – no good reason other then I simply don't like them.

PSS: Also, if Ubuntu is too big/demanding to be installed on an SD card, I'm open to suggestions of other distros that may be more lightweight/

So, any advice?


Best Answer

You should have no speed problem with an SD card. Even graphics would be no problem, because the SD is only needed to load data, not while running programs. The Raspberry PI has an SD card as the primary storage medium.

You may experience longer load times than you would from the SSD, but it you don't do anything data intensive, you should be fine.

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