Ubuntu – How to reset SSH configuration on the PC


How can I reset all the SSH settings, so that it worked as after fresh install? (I may delete the keys, they're not needed anymore.)

In Ubuntu 9.10, after a certain moment I started getting "Host key verification error" on every SSH server! This doesn't happen if I boot U9.10 from a USB stick.

culebron@culebron:~/.ssh$ ssh culebron@217.******
Host key verification failed.

~/.ssh/known_hosts doesn't exist (I must have removed it by an advice to "clean" known hosts list), yet SSH doesn't ask me, as earlier, if I want to add a host or not, just "Host key verification failed" every time.

Best Answer

Backup ~/.ssh on your computer, rm -rf ~/.ssh, try again. If that works, figure out which part of your old ~/.ssh was causing the problem (if you care).