Ubuntu – How to relocate the Dropbox folder in Ubuntu


I've two hard drives on my ThinkPad. One for dual boot of Windows 8 and Ubuntu (12.10) (it's separately installed, not with Wubi).

I've installed Dropbox on Win 8 and syncs all the folders into hard drive D: instead of the default location. Everything works fine.

Now, I am on Ubuntu. Same thing. I've installed the Dropbox. And I am trying to relocate the Dropbox default directory to the folders from hard drive D: . And it says

"The Target Folder is your Current Dropbox"


Any suggestions on how to solve this?

Best Answer

I haven't tried this but it should work. Try deleting the default Dropbox folder:

  1. Stop the Dropbox service
  2. Delete the default Dropbox folder

    rm -rf ~/Dropbox
  3. Link drive D: to the default folder (assuming D: is mounted at /mnt/D, change this to whatever you are using)

    ln -s /mnt/D ~/Dropbox
  4. Start the Dropbox service again.

It might still not work if Dropbox can detect that you are trying to sync the same folder to itself.

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