Ubuntu – How to one recreate OS X’s applescript/quicksilver synergy in Ubuntu


I'm a recent OS X-to-Ubuntu convert, but one feature I sorely miss is the quicksilver/applescript combo. Briefly: I would use applescript to write very simple, functional scripts (e.g. "resize the current window to take up exactly the left half of the screen", or "add the current date to the clipboard in a particular format") quicksilver to assign them to a hotkey (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-j for the first one).

I'd like to recreate this in ubuntu; where do I start?

Best Answer

wmctrl can be used to control the window manager from a shell script. You can then add a shortcut to the script in GNOME. If you're running an old version of Ubuntu, you might have to add them directly to gconf.

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