Ubuntu – How to fix MBR of external hard disk

hard drivembrUbuntu

I have a 320 GB WD hard disk and recently some folders got corrupted. I tried to use HDD Regenerator to fix the hard disk. While it was repairing, it was interrupted.

Now the hard disk won't mount and no drive letter shown, yet it is visible as an external device in the Safely Remove Device menu. When I use that tool again it says "Master Boot Record is corrupted". In Disk Management it asks to initialize the disk, but that doesn't work.

How can I fix the MBR and recover my hard disk?

NB: chkdsk and scandisk don't work as it doesn't have a drive letter.

Best Answer

If you're not against using a LiveCD, download a copy of Ubuntu, either burn it to a disc or to a USB, then boot the computer from the CD or USB.

Once booted into the environment, you may then plug in the USB drive. Find out which device it is that you want to fix the MBR of by running lsblk. (Look here for more tips)

Install lilo (sudo apt-get install lilo), and you can fix the MBR by running sudo lilo -M /dev/sdx mbr. (sdx here is the drive you found after running lsblk above)

(Note, all of the commands are run from Terminal in Linux.)

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