Ubuntu – Connect FortiClient IPsec VPN via Ubuntu 18.04 KDE


I have just installed FortiClient in Ubuntu 18.04 – KDE.

I'm not shure, but looks like Linux's FortiClient has only SSL connection but not IPsec (which I need)…

Works ok in Windows 10, but mine has some bugs and I prefer to work with Ubuntu whenever possible. There is a form with:

  • Connection type (SSL-VPN / IPsec VPN)
  • Connection Name
  • Description
  • Remote Gateway
  • Authentication Method (PreShared key in my case)
  • Authentication (XAuth)
  • Username

My company sent me only the data to fill that form, but I can't find anything like that in Ubuntu's version of FortiClient6.

Does anyone know an alternative to connect with linux, using that data? Maybe I don't need to use FortiClient specifically.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You should check out Strongswan which is the recommended IPSec initiator-responder in Ubuntu. You can install it from Ubuntu's repository i.e.: sudo apt-get install strongswan.

There are many ways to configure it: editing the legacy ipsec.conf file or using the swanctl tool. To install swanctl simply use sudo apt-get install strongswan-swanctl. If you're using Ubuntu Desktop then you can use the GUI to configure Strongswan just install the Strongswan module for Network Manager (sudo apt-get install network-manager-strongswan).

Command line config

A swanctl example config should look something like this:

  • Create a new cofig file into /etc/swanctl/config.d/ (work.conf or whatever)
  • Open that file with your favourite editor and setup the proper config which is going to be something like this:

    connections {
        ikev1-psk-xauth {
            dpd_delay = 30
            dpd_timeout = 90
            version = 1
            remote_addrs = vpn.yourcompany.com
            local-1 {
                auth = psk
            local-2 {
                auth = xauth
                xauth_id = username
            remote-1 {
                auth = psk
            children {
                ikev1-psk-xauth {
                    remote_ts =
                    dpd_action = restart
                    close_action = start
                    start_action = start
    secrets {
        ike-psk-remote {
            id = vpn.yourcompany.com
            secret = "this-is-the-shared-password" 
        ike-psk-local {
            id = username
            secret = "this-is-the-user-xauth-password" 

Save the config file then issue swanctl --load-all to start the connection. To check the status issue swanctl --list-sas and check out that the SAs are up and running.

This config is not tested and probably wont work as it is.

GUI config

Here is a guide with screenshots too: https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/NetworkManager

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