Ubuntu – Colors in Vim via gnome terminal are not the same with gVim


why is it that the colors when using the color scheme 'blackboard' via Vim in gnome terminal is not the same as when I use the same theme in gVim?
i.e. the background is black while on gVim it's blue and the function names are not colroed etc. Only a few parts of teh code are colored.

Here's my .vimrc

filetype plugin indent on
set number
let &t_Co=256

Also on my Profile Preferences > Colors tab, I got:
Bulit-in Schemes: Green on Black
Built-in schemes: XTerm

Best Answer

Take a look at CSApprox - very good at matching colourschemes (in linux at least - in OSX the default terminal does not have enough colours)

Fairly simple to set up - just configure how many colours are usable by your terminal and put the needed information in your .vimrc

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