Ubuntu – Can’t run SAO’s ds9 program. Missing xml. Ubuntu 18.04


After installing saods9 on Ubuntu 18.04, I tried running

$ ds9 &

And recieved:

     Error in startup script: can't find package xml
         while executing
     "package require xml"
         ("x11" arm line 10)
         invoked from within
     "switch $ds9(wm) {
         x11 {
        # set to absolute path so that if -cd command is used,
        # so we can still find our files
        set ds9(root) [file normalize [..."
         (file "/usr/share/saods9/library/ds9.tcl" line 178)


Best Answer

see this link, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/saods9/+bug/1782692 or this Can't find package xml while executing. Xubuntu 16.04 possibly, if you try "sudo ds9" then you can open the software.

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