Ubuntu – can’t login in phptheadmin and thesql after fresh installation of lamp server and phptheadmin on ubuntu 12.04 LTS


I am trying to search a solution for this problem, but didn't find a solution. I am getting an error while login in phpmyadmin

#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server

Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.

I am trying to configure config-db.php and config.inc.php files reside in /etc/phpmyadmin/ directory. There i am changing $dbname and $dbpass in config-db.php as my root user and password but still can't login. After google, i get some clue and uncommented a line in config.inc.php:

/* Uncomment the following to enable logging in to passwordless accounts,
     * after taking note of the associated security risks. */
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE;

These things are so ridiculous, follow articles like Lamp server installation
shows step by step things and i do the same thing, but i get this error thrice times. Even i can't login in mysql through shell.
Please help me to sort out this problem and know the actual reason why this happen when i am enter password twice time while installing mysql.

Best Answer

Try changing your MySQL password:

To reset your mysqld password just follow these instructions :

  1. Start the mysql client process using this command

    mysql -u root

  2. From the mysql prompt execute this command to be able to change any password


  3. Then reset/update your password

    SET PASSWORD FOR root@'localhost' = PASSWORD('password');

  4. Once have received a message indicating a successful query (one or more rows affected), flush privileges:


  5. Then stop the mysqld process and relaunch it with the classical way:

    sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

Source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset


Lets try updating your current password. Do this:

$ pkill mysql
$ sudo mysqld --skip-grant-privileges
$ mysql

At this point you get the mysql command shell. You will need to update the root password and flush the table when you reset the password.

mysql> set UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD') WHERE User='root';

Now that you’ve flushed your passwords, just restart your mysql daemon.

$ sudo pkill mysqld
$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start
$ mysql -u root -p
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