Ubuntu – Buttons on the Ubuntu Machine

eclipsegnomeguioperating systemsUbuntu

All of my buttons on any kind of popup window don't seem to work that great with my mouse, I sometimes have to press enter on my keyboard after clicking, I hear that there is a fix for this out there somewhere, anyone know where I can find this? I am using GNOME.

Best Answer

This is a bug with more than eclipse. This is a GTK bug that also affects some flash objects and programs like eclipse. It's driving me nuts and the only way to fix it at the moment is to downgrade GTK to a previous version which is not something I'm willing to do.


You can also set


before launching eclipse to fix it. There is a post here that covers what you need to do. It's really not that hard to fix until the GTK team gets this fixed.

According to the eclipse bug tracker, this issue should be fixed in Eclipse 3.5.2

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