Ubuntu 16.04 freezes on loading installation from bootable USB


My laptop:


Cpu : Intel Core i7 6700

Gpu : Nvidia GTX960m dual with Intel HD graphics

It's working fine with Windows 10 but when I try to dual boot it with Ubuntu it freezes at ubuntu loading page.

I disabled fast startup in Windows 10.

I also tried with Kali linux, and I have the same freezing problem when I want to login to desktop!

What should I do ?
How can I disable nvidia graphics ?

Finally managed to install it by adding nomodeset after kernel boot flags in grub…

But in login page after I input my password and press enter , screen freezes and nothing happens.

Best Answer

fortunately, i solved it finally :)

the problem was with nouveau Graphics Drivers, so i disabled it in the booting process by adding code below to the end of linux kernel flags in grub :

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