Ubuntu 12.04 booting in command line

command lineguiUbuntuubuntu 12.04

I just restarted my Ubuntu OS and now, for some reason, my Ubunut 12.04 boots in command line…without the GUI?

I use Wubi and haven't really done anything out of the ordinary. I've managed to get the GUI running by using startx via the command line that appears when Ubuntu boots, but how can I revert back to the GUI boot?

Even after using startx a lot of the GUI is missing…top bar, applications panel…etc

Best Answer

You may try sudo lightdm, startx, sudo startx, or sudo gdm in that order of preference(Use the first that works). You may then try to set it up as the last entry in the system-wide crontab(See http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg28t5.htm)

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