SSH File Transfer – How to Transfer Files Over Two-Hop SSH Session


I have a Linux box at work that I often log in to from home. The Linux box is on an internal network, but there's a box that spans both networks, so I can log in like so:

ssh -tA ssh username@

I have a couple of files sitting in ~/tmp that I would like to copy to my local machine. (let's call them ~/tmp/file1 ~/tmp/file2 and ~/tmp/file3 for the sake of argument)

I've seen something like this work:

ssh -tA ssh username@ 'tar cf - ~/tmp/file*' | tar xf -

This would tar the files on the remote machine, send the result to stdout, then pipe the results to a local tar, which was unpacking data on local stdin.

Doesn't work:

On the remote machine, if I run

tar cf - tmp/file* | md5sum
f1b776364c10dfc20500f228399a7c63  -

From the local machine:

ssh -tA ssh username@ 'tar cf - ~/tmp/file*' | md5sum
bc7436c9771ee2b4978ffd29b8b7ed36  -

I'm assuming that this is probably a byte ordering snafu across the network… I was eventually able to get around it by uuencoding the file, catting it across the network then uudecoding it locally… for some reason I couldn't get the syntax correct to be able to tar | uuencode on the remote side and uudecode | untar on the local side.

I'm looking for a good way of doing this all in one step; preferably something that I can wrap in a shell function.

Best Answer

Use the SSH ProxyCommand configuration option to in the configuration on your client. This allows you to make a direct connection to the destination.

Host remotebox
    ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh "/bin/netcat -w 1 22"
    User username

scp remotebox:file local

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