TortoiseSVN Commits failing: “The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable”, “Attempt to write a readonly database”


I have been using tortoise svn for a couple weeks now.

I get errors very often. Almost everything I do creates an error. this is with repositories on the internet, locally on my machine or a machine on the network. So I started to keep track. Some examples are below.


Can't move
'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\my branch
test.svn\tmp\entries' to
'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\my branch
test.svn\entries': The file or
directory is corrupted and unreadable.


Commit failed (details follow): Server
sent unexpected return value (405
Method Not Allowed) in response to
MKCOL request for


Can't move
Catalog\vendors.svn\tmp\entries' to
Catalog\vendors.svn\entries': The
file or directory is corrupted and


Can't move
to 'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\DVD
The file or directory is corrupted and


Commit failed (details follow):
attempt to write a readonly database
attempt to write a readonly database

That last one about the read only database happens every time I commit. Say if I am working on the head revision (7) in a working copy. I make a change and commit it. It gives me this error. But if I look at the log it tells me that there is now a revision 8 (the commit I just made) but I am still on revision 7. So I need to run update to be on the current revision that I just commited. I hope I explained that clearly.

Anyways with all these errors I wonder.. Is TSVN just this unstable, does everyone have these issues. Or is it just me? If just me, what could I be doing wrong?

Best Answer

I have seen this problem on a colleague's PC, it turned out that it was Microsoft Security Essentials corrupting the files downloaded by TortoiseSVN. As soon as we disabled it, the problem disappeared and the SVN checkout was fine.

I suggest to temporarily disable your antivirus and try again.