Windows 8 – Managing Excessive RAM Cache Usage

cachecpu-cachememorywindows 8

I am having the following problem: I am having a completely new Notebook with 8 GB RAM and Windows 8. I do not use software that requires a lot of RAM and I do not have a thousand programs running. Despite, Windows keeps on complaining about the fact that I would not have enough RAM available. When I checked this via Task-Manager I saw that I only used 1.5 GB RAM and the rest was "used as cache" whatever this means.

My question is now: Is there any way to get my RAM from this cache-guy back?

Best Answer

Clear your ram cache with RAMMap's emptystandbylist option.

Alternatively, wj32 (writer of Process Hacker at sourceforge) has written a small cmdline app to do the trick. Find it in this thread.

Have not found a way to do this from Powershell yet, but if you are a good programmer you can find what you need in the source code of Process Hacker.

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