Tomcat 8 as windows service


I have installed Tomcat as a Windows service and I can see it in Windows Service section of my computer. I followed the stems as shown in the screenshot below:

enter image description here

I want to perform the following step now :

Running Tomcat as Windows Service (enables default STDOUT logging): To configure choose from your windows Start menu ->Programs->Apache Tomcat8 -> Configure Tomcat
In Tomcat Properties, choose Java tab, and add this to Java Options:

However, I couldn't find Apache Tomcat8 listed on my Program menu. Does anyone know where I need to go from here?

Best Answer

1) Open a command prompt, go to the bin folder of the apache tomcat and run "service.bat install". If the CATALINA_HOME, JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME are correctly configured, the 'Tomcat' service will be installed successfully.

2) Go to Services, and look for Apache Tomcat service. Update the startup type to "Automatic" and click on "Start", then "OK".

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