Python – To install Markdown’s extensions by Python


The installation notes (git:// say in the file using_as_module.txt

One of the parameters that you can
pass is a list of Extensions.
must be available as python modules either within the
package or on your PYTHONPATH with names starting with mdx_,
followed by the
name of the extension. Thus, extensions=['footnotes'] will
first look for
the module markdown.extensions.footnotes,
then a module named
mdx_footnotes. See the documentation specific to the
extension you are
using for help in specifying configuration settings for that

I put the folder "extensions" to ~/bin/python/ such that my PYTHONPATH is the following

export PYTHONPATH=/Users/masi/bin/python/:/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/

The instructions say that I need to import the addons such that

import markdown
import <module-name>

However, I cannot see any module in my Python. This suggests me that the extensions are not available as "python modules – – on [my] PYTHONPATH with names starting with mdx_ – -."

How can you get Markdown's extensions to work?

2nd attempt

I run at ~/bin/markdown

git clone git:// python-markdown
cd python-markdown
python install

I put the folder /Users/masi/bin/markdown/python-markdown/build to my PATH because the installation message suggests me that is the new location of the extensions.

I have the following in a test markdown -document

-- headings here with # -format ---

However, I do not get the table of contents.
This suggests me that we need to somehow activate the extensions when we compile by the -script. **The problem returns to my first quoted text which I is rather confusing to me.

Best Answer

I like to setup a virtualenv when I use python for any sort of project. So on debian based systems I install pip and virtualenv

sudo aptitude install python-pip python-virtualenv

Then if using python markdown, I would make my virtual environment and use pip to install python-markdown and ElementTree

virtualenv mynewbook
pip -E mynewbook install -U Markdown ElementTree

To make life easier I usually set my environment to the local virtual environment after changing to the new project directory

cd mynewbook
source bin/activate

Then with my book in the file mybook.markdown with the format





I just have to run

markdown mybook.markdown -f mybook.html -x toc

When you're done with your virtual environment it's as simple as typing

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