Thunderbird does not reopen mails after profile migration


I have migrated the Thunderbird Profile folder from my Windows 7 computer to a new Windows 10 computer (which in reality is a Parallels VM with Windows 10 Home x-64 on my MacBook Pro). When I opened Thunderbird the first time after doing the Profile configuration, everything was OK, all old emails were there, I could send and receive emails and I was happy.
But when I closed Thunderbird the first time and restarted Thunderbird later, there was only an EMPTY Thunderbird window with an enlarged status bar showing this:

enter image description here

I repeated the whole process a few times to make sure it was not an accidental error. But it happened always in the same way: After the first closing Thunderbird on startup always presented an empty window with the above code lines!
What is going on here??

Best Answer

Obviously, some specific extensions can cause this error after a Thunderbird migration. The solution in such a case is to remove all extensions from Thunderbird on the old computer BEFORE you migrate the Thunderbird Profile to the new computer. It worked successfully in my case. (Maybe make a note of the installed extensions before you remove them).

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