Thunderbird (31.6) does not filter by reply-to email address


I have recently received SPAM where I'd like the given reply-to address to be the filter criterion.

However, Thunderbird 31.6 doesn't offer a "Reply-To" in the dropdown for filtering:

Screenshot of filter criteria not offering reply-to address

Note that German "Von" = "From" and "An" = "To", but there's no "Antwort an" = "Reply To" in the dropdown.

As of now, I cannot filter that thing the way I want to.

What's wrong?

Is it a bug/missing feature?

Are there any manual hacks to get it done?


I tried as kaarel suggested, but it didn't work. "Reply-To" isn't accepted, not is "Antwort-an" and "Antwort an" gives me the following error:

enter image description here

How does TB know from a custom string, e.g. "Reply-To" that it is supposed to check the reply-to email address?

Best Answer

I don’t know whether to call it a missing feature or just a missing option. Luckily you can add e-mail headers to filter on – from the filtering dropdown choose Anpassen… (Customize… for Thunderbird with English UI) at the bottom, and add Reply-To as a new value.

Update: as reported in this Bugzilla thread, several versions of Thunderbird have a bug, that prevents filtering on custom e-mail headers, so this solution might not work for everybody.

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