This video has not been mixed with the audio because the audio stream has a different format


I face the following problem from time to time when I want to download some video:

This video has not been mixed with the audio because the audio stream
has a different format

enter image description here

I want to know How to fix this problem if possible and If not How to merge the output which is two separate files:

TS file ---> video 
AAC file --> Audio

I Use VLC program but it takes a lot of time because I have to pass many steps to merge just a one item and I have so many files separated!

If I have directory hierarchy like that:

   Folder1 -->Sub1 --->1.ts

           -->Sub2 --->2.ts
   Folder2 -->Sub1 --->1.ts

How to convet it to

   Folder1 -->Sub1 --->1.mp4

           -->Sub2 --->2.mp4
   Folder2 -->Sub1 --->1.mp4

Best Answer

VLC can be automated to run via the command-line. Once the command-line is formulated, it's possible to embed it into a script.

The command-parameters are a bit complicated, but there is an easy way to have VLC create it for you.

The idea is to do manually the merge for one set of files, then create the command-line from the verbose output.

This is described in the post How can I make the following conversion in VLC from the commandline?, and especially in the answer by Alexander Higgins.

The simplified format of the command is:

vlc input --sout="[TRANSCODECOMMAND"]

Doing the merge after setting in VLC menu Tools > Messages the Verbosity to 2, will give a line such as:

qt debug: Transcode MRL: sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=s16l,ab=160,channels=2,samplerate=44100,scodec=none}:std{access=file{no-overwrite},mux=wav,dst='C:/Users/alexh/source/repos/WaveEditor/WaveEditor/bin/Debug/samples/_AI_NylStr_MonRibb_Sft-A2-0.wav'}

Copying everything starting with #transcode gives the following command:

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" _AI_NylStr_MonRibb_Sft-G2-0.mp3 --sout="#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=s16l,ab=160,channels=2,samplerate=44100,scodec=none}:std{access=file,mux=wav,dst=_AI_NylStr_MonRibb_Sft-G2-0-44100k.wav}" vlc://quit

Another useful program that is very easy to use is MP4Box, which can downloaded here.

To add the audio to the video, you could do:

"C:\Program Files\GPAC\mp4box.exe" -add 1.aac 1.ts

This will do an in-place replace of 1.ts, so will destroy the original file.

To create an .mp4 video will require two lines:

"C:\Program Files\GPAC\mp4box.exe" -add 1.ts -new 1.mp4
"C:\Program Files\GPAC\mp4box.exe" -add 1.aac 1.mp4

Here is a batch script that enters all the sub-folders and creates .mp4 files from the .ts and .aac files. The target .mp4 file will have the same name as that of the video file.

The .ts and .aac files are not deleted, for safety. They can be deleted later if everything works as expected. I suggested taking a backup of the parent folder, just in case.

Here is the .bat file. It should be put inside the Parent folder.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /d %%D in ("*") DO (
  echo ** Entering folder : %%D
  cd "%%D"
  for %%F in (*.ts) do set "VIDEO=%%F"
  for %%G in (*.aac) do set "AUDIO=%%G"
  set "TARGET=!VIDEO:.ts=!"
  echo ** Found: Video=!VIDEO!  Audio=!AUDIO!  Target=!TARGET!
  "C:\Program Files\GPAC\mp4box.exe" -add "!VIDEO!" -new "!TARGET!.mp4"
  "C:\Program Files\GPAC\mp4box.exe" -add "!AUDIO!" "!TARGET!.mp4"
  cd ..

For two levels down, use two FOR /D commands:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /d %%D in ("*") DO (
echo ** Entering folder : %%D
cd "%%D"
for /d %%E in ("*") DO (
  echo ** Entering sub-folder : %%E
  cd "%%E"
  for %%F in (*.ts) do set "VIDEO=%%F"
  for %%G in (*.aac) do set "AUDIO=%%G"
  set "TARGET=!VIDEO:.ts=!"
  echo ** Found: Video=!VIDEO!  Audio=!AUDIO!  Target=!TARGET!
  "C:\Program Files\GPAC\mp4box.exe" -add "!VIDEO!" -new "!TARGET!.mp4"
  "C:\Program Files\GPAC\mp4box.exe" -add "!AUDIO!" "!TARGET!.mp4"
  del "!VIDEO!"
  del "!AUDIO!"
  cd ..
cd ..
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