The recommend DPI for high definition screen 19″ 1920×1080

displaydpifontsoperating systemsresolution

I bought an nice laptop with a HD 1920×1080 screen. The problem is text is almost unreadable, it is tiny. So I scaled the DPI (dots per inch) up to make the text readable.

What is the recommend setting for DPI? How do I calculate it myself?

Best Answer

Regular computer displays are around 100 pixel per inch usually, with some of them, especially Laptop screens, going up to 150.

If you want to have all elements and text on the screen as large as a regular 100 dpi screen would show them*, look up your screen resolution / display size and adjust your software accordingly.

Or calculate yourself using the Pythagorean Theorem:

sqrt(pixelwidth*pixelwidth + pixelheight*pixelheight)/inches

This is about 116 for your screen, so that's what you need to tell your software.

* and this is an entirely personal preference — I like my screen elements smaller, so more stuff fits on the screen

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