Official Installer for Unix Packages on Mac OS – Package Management


I'm a bit confused about the installation of standard Unix packages on Mac OS X. For example, I have /usr/bin/svn, which is SVN v.1.4.4, but FinkCommander says svn is not installed. The same holds for other packages, like emacs etc.

Is that just a wrong FinkCommander setting? Currently it is set to install everything in /sw, which is not even in the PATH. So, do I just have to set it to install packages to /usr, and it will recognize the installed software? I don't want to install duplicate packages of everything, and it is quite weird that the FinkCommander seems not to be in sync with the installed software.

Or is there any other installer I should be using? Is Mac Ports the recommended installer to use?

(I'm using Mac OS 10.5.8.)

Best Answer

There isn't an official package manager for OS X.

Fink, MacPorts, and Homebrew provide their own differing features and functionality to fill this void.

As pointed out by many users:

  • avoid using /usr
  • until you configure your PATH, packages from different directories won't be found.
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