Windows – “The folder you entered does not appear to be valid” while mapping a remote webdav URL

nextcloudwebdavwindowswindows 7

I am trying to map WebDAV folder from a NextCloud 12 instance as a Network Drive on Windows 7. I am following the commonly used procedure that goes
Map Network Drive –> Connect to a Web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures –> Choose a custom network location and specify my WebDAV URL: as https://mynextcloudhostFQDN/remote.php/webdav a dialog pops up that says something like "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Specify another name" (sorry for the localized version below)

The folder you entered does not appear to be valid when connecting to WebDAV

I could successfully connect to this same URL on my Linux/Gnome machine after replacing https with davs, as this is the standard URL prefix for WebDAV on Gnome.

I also verified that the self-signed SSL certificate from this Nextcloud instance is accepted by Windows by making sure that NextCloud webpage opens in Internet Explorer without a warning.

Here is the complete tree of windows that I have got open while trying to map the network drive.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The solution appears to be the same as for the follow up question: make sure that WebClient Service is enabled and started.

enter image description here