Firefox – the difference between Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition


Mozilla recently launched a new web browser named Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition, ostensibly designed for web developers.

So I installed it, but I can't find much of a difference between regular Firefox and the developer edition. Every tool which is in the developer edition is already in the regular edition. What does the developer edition provide over the regular edition?

Best Answer

Firefox Developer edition is a modified Firefox that is specifically design for web developers. It also uses a separate profile then regular, running them side-by-side is an option. That does mean that all the add-ons and settings will not be available on F.D.E., but you can use Firefox Sync to get add-ons and settings on both versions.

All features on Firefox Developer edition will be available 12 weeks before they are on regular Firefox.

Some features that are on F.D.E. that regular doesn't have:

  • WebIDE:

    allows you to develop, deploy and debug Web apps directly in your browser, or on a Firefox OS device. It lets you create a new Firefox OS app (which is just a web app) from a template, or open up the code of an existing app. From there you can edit the app’s files. It’s one click to run the app in a simulator and one more to debug it with the developer tools. Web IDE - YouTube

  • Valence:

    (previously called Firefox Tools Adapter) lets you develop and debug your app across multiple browsers and devices by connecting the Firefox dev tools to other major browser engines. Valence also extends the awesome tools we've built to debug Firefox OS and Firefox for Android to the other major mobile browsers including Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS. So far these tools include our Inspector, Debugger and Console and Style Editor. Valence - YouTube

  • Web Audio Editor:

    inspect and interact with Web Audio API in real time to ensure that all audio nodes are connected in the way you expect.

For a more in depth answer, I would refer you to my Q/A on Ask Ubuntu:

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