Test internet speed over a period of time


I´m having issues with slow internet. I have used speedtest.net at different times of the day and week and the result tells me that I get 10-20% of the bandwidth that I pay for.
My ISP tells me that the promised bandwidth is an average, so a single test is not proof of a poor connection.

So now I want to conduct several tests (like every x minute) for several days while I´m away, thus giving me an average.

How do I best collect this data?

Best Answer

That is a known problem, I had to talk to my ISP multiple times over 3 weeks in order to convince them that something is off with the connection. My solution was to automate speedtests so that they run every 30 minutes using a docker container made by Henry Whitacker. Set is up on a raspberry pi, an old laptop or a NAS, and let it run for a week. After that you have a very good base of measurement data to show your ISP. It even is presented in a way any normal person can understand so you don’t need to find someone more competent than the last time.

To set it up, follow the instructions on the GitHub page, I recommend using docker-compose as it is much easier than anything else. If you want to have a look at it first, there is a running demo version on Henry Whitacker‘s personal website here.

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