T60 Screen/LCD gets black after some minutes with a highpitched sound rising and fading


Just now my T60 screen got "black" (so no display). On my second monitor: no problems so the VGA output works.

Screen blanks / no display, but it works on the second monitor

Steps to reproduce:
– boot
– wait (it does not matter what you do you do not have to login or anything)
– (now the monitor of the laptop slowly begins to make a ssssssssHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWOEOEssssssss noise of about 10 seconds)
– right after the sounds ends, the monitor gets black. Sometimes it seems to be the same each time.

Installed no new software before/after, running ZoneAlarm and antivirus.

It does not feel hot in any place, there don't seem to be running processes with strange behaviour.

Out of warranty

What was I doing:
Typing text on a website and doing some PHP coding in a text editor.

What can I do here other than buy a new laptop? Does it sound familiar to known cases?

Update 1:

Hmmm… not handy 3 or 4 months ago I ordered and installed a new fan. Now the LCD. Which does not seem the core issue but some electric issue so it seems replacing the LCD is not the thing to do here.

If it is not the LCD that needs to be replaced (see other threads), which parts can I order to fix this? Is there any information which could lead me to identify the issue? I have read replacing the "inverter" AND the "backlightning" would that make sense?

Update 2:

I replaced the inverter with another inverter, but IO have the same problem. I DID notice that the inverter is the component that makes the sssssssssssssHHHHHHHHHH sound AND it becomes very hot in a few seconds. (So both the old and the test one) The problem is hmmm wat is then the thing that makes the inverter hot by (assumption) after which it shuts itself down. Is it either the input or the output? The output seems to me not, because the screen seems to function so it must be the electricity coming in. But what causes it to become so hot would it be the VGA card outputting some unusual high voltage seems unlikely?

I am looking for the component to order / replace

update 3:

Great news. Ewendish gave me the hint to look in the BIOS. While I was in the BIOS I noticed that the screen did not switch off and there was not a high pitched sound. So I lowered some settings in the BIOS. I then noticed that with brightness turned to 0 (via FN End), it does not make a high pitched sound and does not turn off, with brightness turned up just three "stripes" it starts making the sound.
So I could from now on work under lowest brightness modus or… see where the problem lies. So as stated below with either power management or display drivers / ATI Catalyst settings / Windows display settings. I'm trying to see where it lies, but I will google some first.

Update 4:

I wiped clean the Windows XP installation and installed Windows 7 on it. Unfortunately the problem remains: as soon as the brightness goes up the screen starts hissing.

This means… back to original thought: it probably IS a hardware problem. Although … again… if it is NOT the inverter, what is it? Could it be the backlightning component? I could try to switch that with a another T60… but this is quite tricky.

Best Answer

If it is not the LCD, then it most likely is the inverter, which would also make noise when it fries

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