Synergy – Right click on windows with Apple keyboard


Using Synergy, I have a Mac set up as the server and a Windows PC set up as the client. When I move my mouse to the Windows machine, I cannot find a way to right click. I have the old white one-button Apple mouse. I tried Control+Click, but no luck. Nothing in the preferences looks helpful. I have searched for a while for a fix, but I haven't found any. I would think this would be a common problem for Synergy. What can I do to get the right click working?

Best Answer

I think everyone has read this wrong.

If the mac is the server it will not relay a right click because to Mac right click is actually a program locked to Ctrlclick and not the other way round. This means if you press CtrlClick on windows you will just get Ctrl click. Shift fnF10 will work, but you should be able to also set a hotkey in synergy's hotkeys that will right click. The final thing you can do is switch to using you PC as the server

Assign the button to mousebutton(3) and lock it to your Mac screen it will right click (without the stars of course).

The main issue with this is I can't seem to find any hotkey info for text based configuration in the wiki.

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