Synergy – 2 computers, 3 monitors. middle monitor for its own pc


Currently my only PC is my server and a gaming PC. When the server is under a heavy load, gaming performance tanks, so I'm going to be building a gaming PC. The gaming PC will have 1 monitor while the server will have the other two. The gaming PC's monitor will be in the middle.

[Server monitor 1][Gaming PC monitor][Server Monitor 2] 

I'd like to know if Synergy can support the following:

Moving left from the gaming pc's monitor(middle monitor) will go to the server's screen on the left. Moving right from the gaming PC's monitor will go to the server's right screen. If you go off the right side of the right most monitor, it should go to the left of the left most monitor.

Best Answer

Synergy can't do that, yet. We are planning to get this included in a Synergy 2.x release but aren't able to give an ETA as yet.

We have his on our Github: Independent grid-less screen positioning #4173

For now you'll have to use Synergy keeping one computers screens as one unit and another computers screens as another.

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