Sync a single Google Calendar with CalDav


At work we use Mozilla Thunderbird with Lightning plugin to manage our calendar, and I want to sync with my Google Calendar account.

The problem is that in my Google Calendar account, I have 3 specific calendars, and I just want to sync one of them.

If I use the XML option in Lighting I can't accept any invite.

I tried the iCal mode, but it didn't worked.

So I tried to use the CalDav and it worked, but it syncs all 3 of my calendars.

The Google Calendar API suggests to use this link to connect the CalDav:

I want to sync just a single calendar of my Google Calendar Account with the Lighting plugin in Thunderbird.

Can I have some CalDav url to set just a specific calendar instead of all 3 calendars?

Thuderbird 24.5
Lightning 2.6.5

Best Answer

Use the URL you suggest,, but rather than using as the substitute for yourID, put in the calendar name instead.

To find that name, start with a Google Calendar window, then go to Settings->Calendars and click on the name of the Calendar you care about. Now scroll down to the "Calendar Address" row and look to the right of the XML/ICAL/HTML links to where it says "Calendar ID". This should look like an email address with a bunch of random-looking letters and numbers followed by That whole thing is what you substitute for yourID.

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