Switch buffers in vim without saving to a currently modified file


Ok, I'm a vim user with the Minibufexl plugin which shows buffer tabs, I've mapped Shift+J and Shift+K to switch between tabs. One thing that frequently frustrates me is while editing a file, and switching to another buffer, I HAVE to write to the current file and then switch.

Eg, I have foo.cpp and foo.h open in two buffers, and I'm editing foo.cpp and haven't saved it, I need to check foo.h to see a function definition. I then use either the alternate files quickly plugin (a.vim) or my shortcut above. This is where I have to save before switching, it gets annoying quickly.

I don't know which search query to use in the Googles so I'm asking here, my apologies if it's misleading.

Best Answer

You want to have

set hidden

in your .vimrc file. Read a (little) more about the hidden option and hidden buffers

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