SVN over HTTPS and SSL handshake fails


I am trying to checkout from my team's svn server. It requires client side authentication. I'm running UbuntuĀ 10.04.

Here's what I get:

$ svn checkout
svn: OPTIONS of '': Could not read status line: SSL alert received: Handshake failed (

Has anybody else seen a similar problem?

Best Answer

Is it still not working? Time to break out the big guns. First, try to browse to it from the same server, see if you get the expected folder listing. If it fails, you might get a better reason, and if not, fire up OpenSSL instead:

openssl s_client -connect

will give you a log of information about each step of the handshake, and the --debug option will show even more detail. It'll complain about having an invalid cert, bad time, or only outdated algorithms.

Of course, make sure you can even ping it and that https isn't firewalled off for some reason.

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