Windows – svchost eating up memory

memorysvchostwindows 7

I'm running Windows 7. It seems that svchost is eating up a lot of memory.

The user name for the particular svchost instance is "Network Service". The description is "Host Process for Windows Services".

Sometimes it eats up 50% of the CPU usage. Other times, it's just under 5%. I can't figure out when it's 50% and when it's not. But it fluctuates often — even when I've just booted up and no programs were started.

How do I diagnose this?

Best Answer

SVC Host is made up of many services running on your machine. I recommend you either right click on it and choose "View Services" to see what is actually causing it (after choosing show processes from all users).

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You can also use Microsoft / Sysinternals Process Explorer which should show you in more detail what is happening.

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(Hovering mouse over the svchost.exe process in Process Explorer)

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