Windows 7 – Troubleshoot svchost CPU Problems

cpulagsvchostwindows 7

Lately I've had one particular svchost.exe instance that's often spiking up and taking 12-40% of my CPU. The services it's hosting are:

  • FDResPub (Function Discovery Resource Publication)
  • FontCache (Windows Font Cache Service)
  • SSDPSRV (SSDP Discovery)
  • upnphost (UPnP Device Host)

This was causing major problems on my computer (which had been running for 25 days without restart), so I figured a reboot would fix it. Guessed wrong, it's taking 25% of CPU from the moment I logged in.

Can anyone provide any insight as to what might be causing this particular svchost to be so CPU-consuming? It's becoming a major hindrance since it's preventing me from running any other CPU-intensive process (namely games but other programs too)

If you need any more information from me, don't hesitate to ask 🙂
(Running Windows 7 Home Premium x86)

EDIT: Stopping FDResPub seems to have fixed the problem. I looked it up and it seems unlikely that I actually will ever want it running… Anyway, this makes sense since I'm on a huge network here and about 99% of the computers use Windows 7 and probably have homegroup features… I'm rambling here 😀 But if anyone has anything to add to this, please do so 🙂

Best Answer

I had the same exact problem with the same four services except that it would happen sometimes for hour and then go away for hours. It went away when I disconnected from HomeGroup and I am about certain that it was my Xbox being on or off that caused the problem to occur intermittently.

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