Strip path segment while extracting using 7zip


Is there a way to extract a 7z archive that contains all it's files within a directory without creating this directory in the file system but still keeping the sub-directory structure of the archive (so 7z e ... is not working as desired, because it strips all path info)?

In tar I would use tar -x --strip=1 ... to strip the first path component. Is there some equivalent for 7z or do I have to extract with the unwanted path segment, move the contents to the right place and delete the directory?

Best Answer

This can be done by using the GUI.

  1. Navigate within the archive to the directory you want.
  2. Select either that directory or its contents.
  3. Either
    • drag-and-drop it (or its contents) to a folder in your file manager; or
    • use the 7-Zip GUI's Extract button.

(Apologies in advance if a graphical solution is no good; I wasn't sure from my reading of your question.)

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