Strikethrough in notepad++

notepadtext formatting

Is there anyway I can have text with strikethrough style in notepad++? I use notepad++ for my to-do lists, and being able to assign strikethrough to the highlighted text (especially if it could be on a keyboard shortcut) would be very useful.

[edit] Just to clarify – I realise that strikethrough is formatted text, and not that of a text editor. My query was more if there was something (a plugin maybe) that did some kind of markup which it rendered as strikethrough. I'm guessing not, but worth asking.

Best Answer

I'm also seeking a solution for this problem (using Strikethrough for a to-do list). I couldn't find a plugin and I think creating one would be the best way to go.

As a work-around until that happens, what I'm doing is setting the language of my to-do list (a .txt file) to the "Properties" language. Then, when I'm done with that task, I put a '#' in front of it to make a comment (which color-codes the line as green and you can customize the color). Not as good as a strike-through but it gets the job done.

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